Saturday, 10 October 2015

Skin analysis @ aeon wellness mid valley

Hi! Today I nak recommend satu tempat yg best! Firstly, selama I hidup for 22 years ni I thought my skin is oily type. Then after dah menyesal guna local products, I pergi la watsons cari cleanser for oily skin type. I beli nutox cleansing foam. Nasib baik tak beli one set. Sebab after guna about 2 days, kulit jadi kering and menggelupas. Jerawat kecik muncul sikit sikit.

i nak letgo this one. good for normal to oily skin type. contact me at 0178725741

Until I pergi buat skin analysis kat aeon wellness mid valley, baru I tahu my skin is combination type laaa. Only berminyak at t zone while kat pipi sangat kering. Haha. Tu la confident sangat. Usually people with oily skin type ni akan ada acne problem which is I takde problem tu. So mine is combo skin!

Siapa yang tak sure lagi skin type apa I recommend u pergi buat skin analysis kat aeon wellness mid valley. Pergi kat kaunter and cakap nak jumpa beauty advisor. Time I pergi kak nisa was on duty. She’s so kind and very helpful. Only RM4.90 so cheap kan?! Dia akan guna special machine to analyse your skin. Then bila dapat result dia akan explain what u should/shouldn’t do. Dia jugak akan recommend what product to use. Then after a month guna product tu, u can come again for second analysis. Kena bayar lagi if nak guna machine tu. So here’s my result :

click for zoom in LOL

So ada 6 analysis which are :
  •    Hydration (normal skin) – this is for whole body. means I cukup air dalam badan
  •   Sebum (dry skin) – minyak yang skin I keluarkan sangat sikit means my skin is dry type skin. Not oily yaa. Haha
  •   Elasticity (normal elasticity) – kulit anjal means collagen dalam badan cukup
  •  pH (high pH) – it means my skin sangat alkaline and tak neutral. So sad. Ni semua  sebab salah guna product yang ingredient entah apa apa
  •  keratin (low keratin level) – kulit I sangat nipis which is sensitive skin. Sebab dulu  pernah guna local product yang contain mercury etc. but thank god even it’s sensitive,  so far I takde pimples teruk, muka merah burn etc
  •  diameter of pores (very open pores) – dry skin doesn’t mean pores kecik ye. Pores  boleh jadi besar jugak.
  • Treatments : choose a cleanser with astringent properties to close pores. Twice a week deep cleanse pores with delicate exfoliator which contains spa water and gives the skin a smoother appearance.

Best kan? Bila dapat tahu cara pilih skincare based on skin problem kita.
Based on my result, kak nisa suggest me hada labo skincare for my combination skin. And it works well. Trust drugstore product. Say no to local product. Till then guys! Xoxo 

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