Friday, 16 October 2015

my skincare regime

Hi! Today I nak review about skincare. Before this semua skincare I guna from local product which is u can buy it online or jamu store. Seriously menyesal sebab banyak habis kat situ. Next post I akan review about local brand and keburukan dia. Antara reason why I choose to use local product sebab I guna garnier and tak bagi effect apa apa. Testimony local product ni tengok la mcm mana kan. Glowing putih susu gebu gebas kalah snow white. So teringin la nak cuba sampai tak pandang dah drugstore product. Tambah pulak I baru start business online so memang hari hari tengok instagram. Zzzz. Now dah menyesal okay.

In my previous post about skin analysis, kak nisa suggest me to buy hada labo. So here we go ~

from left : cleanser, hydrating lotion (toner), hydrating milk (moisturizer)

Honest review from me :

Cleanser dia sangat best! Muka rasa bersih after cuci, cerah sikit kot? Haha. And rasa hydrated je. But this cleanser tak sesuai utk hilangkan jerawat n blackhead etc. Memang dia focus to whiten and hydrating je. RM19.++ at aeon wellness mid valley.

Toner dia sangat best jugak! Texture dia pekat sikit mcm lotion, tak mcm air jernih. Muka pun rasa bersih and hydrated lepas guna toner ni. Actually if tak guna moisturizer pun okay if guna this toner. This toner mmg focus to hydrate the skin bcs it contains hyaluronic acid which is good ingredient for hydration. RM41.++ at watsons mid valley plus free cleanser and hydrating milk in trial pack.

Moisturizer dia okay okay je. Memang hydrating but quite oily kot. So for day use, I guna sikit je kat t zone and lebihkan kat pipi. For night use, I apply mcm biasa. Bangun tidur takde la rasa oily sangat. FREE at aeon wellness mid valley kak nisa bagi. Haha

Overall : highly recommended untuk siapa yg ada dry skin/combination skin
Speciality : for whitening and hydrating

So who wanna buy my nutox cleansing foam? I nak letgo rm15 include pos. retail price rm18.++.  Highly recommended for oily skin type. Contact me okay? 

whatsapp 0178725741

Till then guys! Xoxo 

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