Saturday, 7 November 2015

my supplement's squad

Hi! Okay previous post i ada review about penyesalan beli supplements from local brand. so lepas dah insaf, I try survey about Shaklee. My friend’s friend consume Shaklee and ada good effect so I pun try la. Now dah jadi Shaklee independent distributor. If u wanna try can contact me then I will consult and guide u about this supplement. So here’s my favourite supplements :

180 tablets tahan for 6 months. RM90++. worth sangat if compare dgn local brand yang ada 30 tablets tapi harga RM50++
Shaklee vitamin C sustained released – so far my skin jadi cerah and more healthy. Tak jadi sunburn if berjemur but kena la pakai complete skincare include sunblock bila going out. Area t-zone become less oily, no pimples etc. and I dah lama tak kena fever flu cough etc since consume this vitamin C. time jerebu teruk baru demam then I consume 2 tablets on that day. Surprisingly esok dah sihat!

850g tahan for 2-3 months
Shaklee ESP soy protein isolate powder – beli time bulan puasa so I consume time sahur. Memang kenyang till maghrib la. Sesuai utk siapa yg nak diet. Rasa dia not bad for those who love soy milk! Recommended consume with Shaklee vitamin C for booster effect. I share sikit my favourite recipe okay. Mix ESP with cold water, or low fat milk, or sometimes with my fav smoothies from Boost! 1-2 scoop per day jangan lebih lebih.

120 tablets
Shaklee herblax – for detox. Badan rasa ringan and perut flat after detox. Berat I turun 4 kg so yeay! Consume 4 tablets twice a week is enough.

120 tablets
Shaklee B complex with folic acid – good for energy. Consume 1 tablet with breakfast and I feel energetic the whole day.

120 tablets
Shaklee Vita lea – this is multivitamin & multimineral. Very good for health. If one day rasa mcm tak cukup makan sayur, buah or protein, this vita lea will replace those nutrients yang ada dalam sayur, buah and protein. Take 2 tablets daily.

Summary :
Before breakfast : Shaklee ESP & k colly 1/2 scoop
After breakfast : Shaklee B complex 1 tablet & Shaklee Vita lea 2 tablets
After lunch : Shaklee vitamin C 1 or 2 tablets
After dinner : Shaklee herblax 4 tablets twice a week (other days i consume green tea)

See? Banyak sangat benefits dapat from these supplements. Btw sampai skrg menyesal beli supplements from local brand. Haha. After this I planning to buy Shaklee Alfalfa for detox & purify blood and GLA complex untuk dalaman wanita. Haha! So siapa nak sihat cantik jom order Shaklee dgn I. Whatsapp 0178725741. Till then guys! Xoxo 

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